Journal Details
Journal Title: Transactions on Soft Computing
Abbreviated Title: Trans. Soft. Comput.
Aims and Scope:
Transactions on Soft Computing (TSC) serves as a dynamic platform for fostering innovation, collaboration, and interdisciplinary research in the field of soft computing. It is dedicated to the study, development, and application of soft computing techniques to solve complex real-world problems. The journal welcomes contributions that advance the understanding of methodologies such as fuzzy logic, neural networks, evolutionary computation, bio-inspired computing, chaos theory, and hybrid methods. Applications in areas like computer science, engineering, bio-medicine, big data analytics, robotics, machine learning, and logistics are highly encouraged.
Language: English
Publication Frequency: Quarterly. The journal releases four comprehensive online issues per year, with accepted manuscripts added continuously.
Open Access:
TSC operates as an open-access journal, ensuring all content is freely available to readers without any access fees. Authors retain their copyrights under a Creative Commons license, promoting the dissemination and ethical utilization of research findings.
Publication Fee: Free of charge.
Plagiarism Check: Rigorous plagiarism screening is conducted using reliable software to maintain high publication integrity.
Review Policy:
Manuscripts undergo a stringent double-blind peer review by domain experts to ensure scholarly rigor, quality, and relevance.
Copyright and Licensing:
Published articles are licensed under Creative Commons licenses (CC-BY), enabling open sharing and re-use of content with proper attribution to the original authors.
Online ISSN: xxxx-xxxx
Editorial Board:
The journal features a distinguished editorial board of renowned scholars, researchers, and practitioners across relevant disciplines.
Ethical Standards:
TSC adheres to the highest ethical standards, following established principles of scientific integrity and publishing ethics.
Submission Guidelines:
Comprehensive author guidelines are available to facilitate a seamless manuscript submission and review process.
Key Features of Transactions on Soft Computing:
- Interdisciplinary Scope: A unique venue that bridges diverse fields, promoting convergence in soft computing.
- Rigorous Review: Ensuring excellence and credibility through a stringent review process.
- Wide Applications: Covers methodologies and applications spanning fields like healthcare, big data, robotics, and supply chain management.
- Ethical Publishing: Adheres to globally accepted ethical standards in publishing.
- Global Engagement: A platform to connect researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts worldwide.
- Author-Centric Support: Comprehensive support to authors for effective dissemination of their research.
TSC invites researchers, academics, and industry experts to contribute their innovative research and insights to advance the field of soft computing and its transformative impact on society.